I will be honest, the past year has been fun, fraught, transitional, at times seemingly stagnant, but ultimately humbling yet rewarding for me. I have come to learn lots about myself, and much of it not too positive. Yet without this recognition, I would be unable to make changes and move forward positively. This year has taught me that we shouldn't measure ourselves on our successes and failures, rather the ability to ride life's roller coaster with acceptance, resilience, patience and presence no matter what challenge or celebration is presented to us.
I always strive to be an achiever, moving swiftly from one thing to the next. Always thinking of the next goal, the next course or qualification, the next step in my career or personal life. I am one of those annoying people that love a good list to cross things off of, even to the point where I write things on just to cross off. Sad but true! But when you spend your life speeding along in this manner, you don't actually get the opportunity to bask in your achievements. To enjoy the glory of your goal, the satisfaction of accomplishment and humble gratitude that all your hard work paid off. Not stopping to enjoy the moment, means you're constantly on the move and burning yourself out into oblivion. And that's what happened to me at the end of 2015. I had created an immensely successful and fulfilling business, yet to get there I had worked tirelessly day and night on new ideas, marketing, planning, creating and of course literally living, breathing, eating and sleeping my business until all that was left was an empty shell of burnt out energy which resembled the former me.
Feeling unhappy with where I was living, I took a huge punt and literally sold everything I owned to move back home with my parents in Cornwall for some time out. I also lost the closest thing to me, my best friend and companion, Boris the dog. Heartbroken, I took a few months out to just relax and try and find me again. To remember what it was like to relax and actually HAVE FUN without feeling guilty. I spent a month surfing in Sri Lanka, but spent a large portion of that preparing and studying for the yoga course I was doing in India the month after. India was a beautiful month spent with inspiring people, yet instead of feeling inspired, motivated and refreshed, I was already looking forward to my next steps and piling on the pressure as to what my next move would be.
"I am 36, I can't go back and live with my parents for long, I have to have a successful business, buy my own place, prove to the world that I am worthy...."
After that, I went to Morocco to teach Yoga retreats on a short term contract. It was hard work, but very enjoyable and I loved meeting new people and sharing my passion. But again, I was planning, stressing, worrying that I should be at home creating my new life, all the while my ACTUAL life which was pretty awesome, was passing me by unnoticed.
For the rest of the year I have been working at a local hotel as a waitress. First part time while I got my business shit together, then eventually full time when I lost all patience, confidence and faith that I could ever be successful in my own business again. Since then I have been constantly beating myself up at not being the top of my game, not achieving and being so far back in my life in terms of material and social status that my confidence and self esteem has taken a huge beating. A beating from myself only of course, no one else really cares what you're up to in life, it's only our minds that create this delusional perception. And with all my training, experiential knowledge and spiritual wisdom, I am only human and sometimes that shit just gets me down and other times I can rise above it with full awareness, strength and determination to get back on top. After all, its our minds and our choices that create our lives, so we really do need to be fully aware and present of what we are creating instead of filling our lives with distraction so that we can live in ignorance and blame the crappy stuff on external influence. Although I hate to admit it, I think I have been hanging in that energy for a while... On the flip side, I have enjoyed being able to go to other peoples yoga classes instead of always teaching, a steady income, more playtime and a break from my laptop :)
But now, the new year has arrived and I still have no fixed plan, no idea what is around the corner or where I am striving to be. But instead, I have a new vision. Not of the place I want to be in life, but of the person I aspire to be. And instead of all this rushing, overwhelm, perceived under achieving, procrastination and anxiety, I choose to create something else. I choose to live in the flow, to have faith that whatever comes is right for me as my life is right now. After all, when you let go of all that pressure and expectation, you create space for opportunity and divine guidance. So I am going to stop worrying and planing the future, and instead enjoy everything I have right here and now. I realise that all that time spent worrying about what I haven't got or haven't achieved, I am totally living in lack and that only attracts more of the same. To live an abundant life, you must truly appreciate and be grateful for all that you have right now. I have intellectually learnt that many times and I practice gratitude everyday, however, now I realise I don't just have to practice gratitude, I need to feel and believe it to truly be present and enjoy the abundance of life. And I really do have an amazing life, so this year my resolution is just to enjoy it fully with faith and presence, have fun and give myself a bloody break! :)